Build a Non Spot Billing Report

Generating a Non-Spot Billing Report in Radio Workflow

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for generating a Non-Spot billing report in Radio Workflow.

Step 1: Navigate to Traffic & Administration

  1. Locate "Traffic & Administration" in the main left menu.

Step 2: Choose Non-Spot

  1. In the Traffic & Administration section, find and click on the "Non-Spot" option.

Step 3: Fill Out the Filtering Criteria

  1. To customize your Non-Spot report, enter the required filtering criteria:
    • Account: Select the account for which the report should be generated.
    • Date Range: Choose the start and end dates for the report.
    • Rep: Select the specific representative, if required.
    • Station: Choose the radio station relevant to the report.
    • Revenue Type: Select the type of revenue (e.g., cash, trade, etc.).
    • Billing Structure

Step 4: Run Report

  1. After entering the filtering criteria, click the "Run Report" button to generate the Non-Spot report.

Step 5: Export Report

  1. Wait for the report to be generated, which should happen relatively quickly.
  2. Once the report is generated, you can export it to an Excel format for further analysis or sharing:
    • Click on the "Export" button.
    • Save the file to your desired location.